Monday 14 October 2024

A Different Kind Of Vampire

this is a little different than my usual stories, hope y'all enjoy! 

Liam had been backpacking through Romania for the better part of a month now, and in his travels he had quite enjoyed himself, a strapping young man Liam stood six foot four and looked like he should’ve been playing some kind of pro league sport. The handsome stud had no shortage of lovers on his travels, most nights he would go to a bar and go home with some lucky woman (or man if he was drunk enough) and plow them into the wee hours of the morning.

On this day he had woken up early from his latest conquests bedroom and snuck out as quietly as he could, on his way out he swiped a few granola bars from the kitchen as well as a bottle of water for the road. 

As the front door shut behind him he breathed a sigh of relief, nothing was worse than having to explain to the person he just fucked that he was leaving now and never coming back. As he made his way down the street he caught the first bus he saw and soon was once again on his way to wherever the wind would take him. 

As he found his seat on the bus he looked around and noticed he was alone. The only other person on the bus being the bus driver who’s face he could not properly make out, now that he thought of it he hadn’t even noticed the bus driver at all when he boarded, nor had he bought a ticket. He brushed it off quickly as just being a side effect of drinking too much the night before and quickly relaxed into his seat. 

As the bus rumbled on down the old dirt roads of the Romanian countryside, Liam began to feel a familiar stirring in his pants, the stud had neglected to deal with his morning wood and now it was rearing its shiny pink head. 

“Well… I AM alone…” he thought to himself as he began to grope his stiffening cock through his baggy sweat pants. 

Soon groping turned into stroking which lead to him giving in to temptation and releasing his straining cock from its cloth confines. 

His cock bounced as it felt the cool morning air, a tingle went down his spine as he began to stroke his thick member. Standing twelve inches tall his manhood was a sight to see, as his hand glided up and down his shaft his pink tip began to leak a ridiculous amount of precum. 

“Fuckkk..” he moaned under his breath as he rubbed the underside of his flared cockhead. 

As his right hand worked his cock his left hand reached back into his pants and retrieved his gigantic balls. Each of his nuts were the size of a grapefruit at least, if he abstained from cumming for a few days they would get even bigger! 

His left hand began to massage his massive nuts as his uncut cock continued leaking. 

Unbeknownst to Liam, the area around him had turned from a sunny day in the countryside to a gray fog that shrouded even the suns rays. He was far too busy with his manhood though and found himself quickly approaching an orgasm. 

“Fuck!” He said as quietly as he could under his breath as his pumping quickened, every few seconds his eyes darted up to the bus driver to make sure he hadn’t been spotted but the closer he got to climax the more he neglected to check his surroundings. 

Then all of a sudden the bus hit the brakes as hard as it could, sending Liam shooting upwards into the seat in front of him, his cock was sticking straight out upon impact and was painfully bent backwards as his body was flung into the seat. 

As Liam recoiled from the impact he tried to stand up but forgot the overhead bars were there. A loud clang was the last thing Liam heard as his now unconscious body was sent hurdling to the bus floor. 

Liam woke up in a strange room, the last thing he remembers was being on the bus and then- 

His eyes widened as he looked up and saw a tall figure looking at him, he rubbed his eyes and soon realized the figure was… a woman? And she was naked?!

He couldn’t believe his eyes as he stared at the woman in front of him, she looked like his fantasy woman, her tits were gravity defying in their size and perkiness, he could feel himself salivating just looking at them, then his eyes trailed down to her pussy, cleanly shaved and looked tight as hell, like a cock had never even gone near it. 

“Fuck…” he said dreamily as he ogled the woman in front of him. 

“You simple man…” her voice cut through the air like a knife. “You males are so easy to catch…” she said walking around him. 

“Catch?” He said questioning her. 

“You have no idea what you’ve stumbled into do you?” She said grinning, the shadows in the room made it hard for Liam to make her face out before but then she stepped into the dim light. 

Her eyes were blazing red, they looked almost inhuman, her face as pale as the snow that coats the ground in winter… and then he noticed her teeth, two large fangs pointed out from either side of her grinning mouth. 

“V- v-“ he stuttered. 

“Vampire?” She said coyly. 

Liam tried to run away in that moment but as he jolted up he felt her cold hand touch his muscle-clad chest and with a surprising amount of strength send him flying back down to the floor.

“Not so fast darling..” she said as she sunk to her knees coming to eye level with the boy. 

Something about her calmed him, he knew he should be terrified but he felt as though she was pulling him, it felt like as she got closer he was being pulled to her like a magnet. 

Then he noticed just how painfully hard his cock was. He looked down and noticed at the base of his cock and balls was a black ring, it looked extremely old, like something you’d see in a museum. 

“Like the ring I gave you?” The vampire asked. 

“I- uh-“ Liam tried to respond but as he looked in her eyes he felt as though he was unable to speak. 

“If you’re wondering it’s so you stay erect, I like to play around before I eat…” she said nonchalantly as she began to toy with his straining cock, usually this would have sent Liam running for the hills but now she had him firmly in her grasp.

“Most vampires like to go for the neck… easy access and all that… but personally I have an affinity for a different part of the body” she said as she ogled his over sized manhood. 

“Over the years I’ve tried a lot of things, arms, legs, heads, tits even… but after years and years of trying to find what works for me… I landed on two silly little things all men carry around between their legs.” She said as she traced her finger over his balls. 

Liam’s eyes widened with horror but his body would not move. 

“Something about the mix of blood and semen gives me sooo much more power… especially when it comes to men like you, I guess when I feast I’m feasting on the very essence of the man and that itself gives me a certain power over any male I come into contact with, isn’t that odd?” She continued. 

“I have to say though you might be my biggest feast yet…” she eyes his balls and smiled. Her cold hand wrapped around his pink oversized nut and began to tighten it's unforgiving grip. 

Liam groaned as the pressure began to build on his nuts, his cock staying staunchly hard and now leaking precum.

"I love seeing you squirm" She giggled as she playfully slapped his nuts. 


Liam's eyes widened as even the smallest tap sent fiery pains through his body. 

The Vampire leaned down to where her mouth was just inches away from Liam's pulsing cock.. and then she kept going down, all the way until she was face to face with his overstuffed plums. 

Her tongue flicked his left ball teasingly, “mhmm tasty…” she said as she looked up at him with a girlish glee in her eyes. 

“This is my favourite part!” She said as in the blink of an eye she sunk her razor sharp fangs into his juicy left nut. 

Normally Liam would be screaming like a little girl right now but due to the vampires trance he could only squirm and groan as she did her work on his fragile manhood. 

As soon as her fangs pierced the skin Liam felt as thought his strength was leaving him, and soon it looked like it too, his muscles began to shrink, slowly at first but within a few minutes he had gone from a buff hunk to an emaciated scrawny twig. 

As his body grew smaller and frailer she kept sucking as then to Liam's horror his giant cock and balls began to shrink too, his once mighty cock began to soften, and soon it had wilted into a sad limp shadow of what it used to be, and then followed his gargantuan balls, his once mighty manhood began to collapse in on itself. 

For a second the vampire let up and took a deep breath, she looked at the remnants of the man in front of her and smiled. 

"Oh my... I hope you got to use that thing before you met me" She laughed as she flicked his cock to the side. 

“Are you ready to give in darling?” She said grinning. 

Liam now looking like a bag of bones weakly shook his head as he watched in horror at what was about to happen. 

She sunk her teeth back into his pained nuts and began to suck again, this time with a renewed vigor, soon his right nut began to quake, as the skin tightened around his gonad he felt a pain like no other he had ever experienced. 


She sucked and sucked as his right nut seemingly disappeared, the sack left behind looking empty and sad. 

And soon enough his left nut followed suit. 


It too crumbled and disappeared into the vampires unforgiving mouth. 

After sucking the last bit of blood and cum out of Liam’s quivering body the vampire stood up and wiped her lips, she now looked more human than she had before, her eyes were a bright blue and her skin a more tanned complexion. 

“Thank you” she said as she picked up Liam’s near skeletal body and dragged him into a different room, as she swung open the door Liam looked in to see dozens of men not much different than himself all laying on the hard stone floor groaning and crying out.

“I’ll come back for you when I need you again” she said as she chucked his near lifeless body into the pile. 

As the door closed in front of him the room went dark, and Liam heard another man’s voice pipe up. 

“She won’t be coming back…” he weakly said from behind him. 

A Different Kind Of Vampire

this is a little different than my usual stories, hope y'all enjoy!  Liam had been backpacking through Romania for the better part of a ...

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