Monday 21 October 2024

Balls On The Line Part 4

Part 1:

Part 2: 

Part 3:

     Trent awoke once again in a new unfamiliar environment, he looked around and saw the eleven other contestants all coming to their senses as well. 

They were all laying in a clearing surrounded by a forest, at first he thought he was outside but when he looked up he didn't see a blue sky but a ceiling with LED lights blaring down on them. 

"I can only imagine what they're putting us through this time" Thomas said rubbing his eyes as he sat up. 

The familiar robotic voice boomed over the intercom once again. 

"The rules of this game are quite simple, you all have a thirty second head start before we release the amazons. Then the last two to survive as intact males get to advance to the next round"

"The Amazons?" Trent whispered. 

Thomas shrugged as he along with the other men prepared to run for their lives. 

"Your time starts now" The voice said as a counter for thirty seconds began. 

"Come on man!" Thomas yelled as he grabbed Trent's arm and pulled him into the forest. 

"Do you have a plan?" Trent asked as the pair ran through the thick brush. 

"Fuck no!" Thomas replied, "but I know I don't want to be anywhere near there when the timer goes off." 

The boys continued as they heard the timer reach 10 seconds. 

"There!" Thomas pulled Trent into a bush and the pair squatted behind it.

"I think we're hidden here" Thomas whispered as a siren went off signaling the release of the 'amazons' 

Then for a moment all was quiet, all the boys could hear were their own shallow breaths and they lay in wait, hoping to god they were far enough away. 

A scream cut through the silence. 

They could hear a mans voice, begging. 

"Please! Don't!" He begged and pleaded. 

To the boys horror the sound of his balls being ruined echoed almost as loud as his screams. 


"Contestant 43 has been eliminated" The Voice said over the speakers. 

"Nine more and we're good to go" Thomas said grinning. 

Even though it meant him getting closer to freedom, Trent couldn't bring himself to be as happy about another's emasculation as Thomas was.  

Then without warning a lanky brown boy popped out of the trees in front of them, he seemed panicked and soon after he showed up a figure that sent chills down Trent's spine appeared. 

It must have stood eight feet tall, it was made of metal mostly, maybe entirely? It looked like some kind of futuristic sex robot, it had a feminine frame with large breasts and a round ass. 

"If that thing wasn't here to break our balls I'd almost be turned on by it" Thomas snickered. 

The Amazon quickly sought out the boy it had been chasing and picked him up by his ankles. 

"NOOO" He squealed as he desperately tried to get away. As he wiggled and fought against it's grasp his stiffening cock was slapping his stomach comically.  

The Amazon didn't care for his pleas and quickly brushed his cock to the side and reached for his plump balls. 

Just then the boy noticed Trent and Thomas hiding behind the bush and he called out to them. 

"HELP ME!!!" He screeched as the Amazon unforgivingly grabbed his sensitive balls and crushed them like grapes. 


Trent and Thomas winced. 

The boys cock rocketed rope after rope of his cum all over him, most of it landing on his horrified face. 

"Contestant 21 has been eliminated" The voice boomed once again. 

The amazon discarded the boys now unconscious body and went right back to hunting down the other contestants. 

Just as it was about to leave Trent felt a tickle in his throat, he tried his best to hold it back but he couldn't hold it in, he coughed. 

The Amazon whipped around and stared directly at the bush they were hiding in. 

'RUN!" Thomas yelled as the pair lunged up and ran as fast as they could, Trent looked back briefly as they ran and saw the Amazon was in pursuit. 

As they continued Trent noticed another boy looking horrified hiding behind a tree, Trent felt bad for what he was about to do but not as bad as he'd feel if he lost his balls. He grabbed the boy by the collar around his neck and flung him into the path of the Amazon, as Trent and Thomas ran away they looked back briefly to see the Amazon had gotten the boy and was now in the process of breaking his manhood. 

Finally the pair had gotten away and were hiding behind a rock. 


"Contestant 6 has been eliminated" The voice boomed once again. 

The amazon swiftly discarded the boys writhing body and left him slumped on the ground to mourn his manhood. 

"That was cold blooded dude" Thomas laughed as he pat Trent on the back. 

"Not as cold as you making that virgin blow his load earlier" Trent laughed too, this experience has severely warped his sense of humor. 

Just then a pair of men's screams broke through the air as the boys could only assume the Amazons had found two more unlucky guys. 



The sounds of the men's balls being reduced to mush was like music to Thomas and Trent's ears. 

"Contestants 10 and 49 have been eliminated" The voice said once again. 

"7 more to go and we're golden" Thomas said excitedly. 

Just then a pair of burly men appeared in front of the boys, both seemed to be in their 40s at least, each clad with herculean muscles. 

"h- hi there" Trent sputtered out as him and Thomas stood up. 

"These two will be easy to break, lets do this" The one man said to the other as devilish grins spread across their faces. 

Before either could make their move Thomas had figured out what was going on here and had sent a devastating kick in between the one mans legs. 


"UGHH You little fucker!" The man groaned as he cupped his assaulted manhood. 

The other man made a lunge for Trent and tackled the boy to the ground, the two wrestled on the ground for a minute, the whole time Trent was desperately trying to keep the man away from his balls. 

Thomas on the other hand was absolutely handing the other man his ass on a silver platter as he dodged every punch and continually sent devastating blows towards the man low hangers. 

In the midst of the fighting none of the men saw the Amazon appear through the trees. 

The man had Trent pinned to the ground and laughed in the boys face. 

"Sorry lad, I need to win this, nothing personal" He said as suddenly his face went white. The cold steel of the Amazon's hand encircled his hefty manhood. 

"Fuck!" He exclaimed as he was violently dragged away by the balls. 

Trent looked on as the amazon held the man up by the balls and squeezed his manhood into a paste. 


"Shit!" The other man said as he pushed Thomas away and tried to run away. He didn't look where he was running though and ran straight into another Amazon. 

"Oh fuck.." He said quietly as the robotic beast reached down and grabbed him by his plums. 


While this was happening Trent and Thomas regrouped and ran for their lives, running as fast as they could. 

"Contestants 17 and 32 have been eliminated" 

The sound of the voice still sent shivers down Trent's spine. 

The boys reached the clearing they had started in, both of them looked around panicked and listened as closely as they could for any movement in the brush that surrounded them. 

"NOOOOOO" Another man's screams were heard in the distance. 


"Contestant 39 has been eliminated" 

"Fuck... two more to go and we finish this!" Trent said excitedly. 

Just then a pair of boys that didn't look a day over 18 appeared through the trees running as fast as they could. Thankfully they didn't notice Trent or Thomas and the boys had a chance to hide. 

"We have to get through this dude, I have a girlfriend at home and I haven't even gotten to fuck her yet!" The one said to the other.

"You think I don't dude? we can do this!" The boy replied. 

"I have an idea" Thomas said grinning. 

Thomas stood up and with the best fake fearful face he could muster he ran out of the bush. 

"RUN!!!' He screamed as he acted like he was being chased. 

In that moment his plan began to work as the one boy shoved the other to the ground and ran as fast as he could. 

"What the fuck man?!" He yelled at his friend as he stumbled to get up and chase after him. But to the boys horror an Amazon appeared in front of them. 

"FUCK!" The first boy screamed as he tried his best to run away. 

While the other boy watched in horror Thomas snuck up behind him and grabbed his balls forcefully with both hands. 

"it's nothing personal man" He said under his breath. 

"Huh?" Is all the boy managed to say before Thomas has ruined his once fat nuts. 


At the same time the other boy was mercilessly neutered by the Amazon. 


"Contestants 25 and 30 have been eliminated" The voice boomed. 

After this the Amazons all seemed to power down and slump down to the ground next to their unconscious victims. 

"Oh my god dude we made it!" Thomas said excitedly. 

Trent cautiously came out from behind the bush and joined him, he was extremely disturbed after watching Thomas neuter a man in cold blood. 

He covered his nuts slightly with his hand as he got close to Thomas. 

"Dude come on! I had to do that!" Thomas said sounding mildly offended. 

"Sorry man just after seeing you crush a guys balls I'm a little worried having mine out in the open around you" Trent forced a laugh, he was telling the truth though. 

Soon after the boys heard the oh so familiar hissing sound and were soon unconscious again. 

(Last part coming soon!!!!) 

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Balls On The Line Part 4

Part 1: Part 2:

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