Sunday 20 October 2024

Roshambo - M/M


Coopers eyes darted up from his phone as he saw his friend Kurt approaching him, usually the boy would be up and chest bumping his buddy but today he was sunken into the couch nursing last nights hangover. 

"Bro are you still hungover??" Kurt asked in what Cooper would call an 'obnoxiously loud' voice. 

"ughh yes..." Cooper groaned as he rolled over and hid his face in the cushions. 

"Well get better dude! we have shit to do!" Kurt said shoving the other boy playfully. 

"Like what?" Cooper said without moving a muscle. 

"Let me rephrase.. we have chicks to do.." Kurt said as a grin spread across his face.

This peaked Coopers interest as the shaggy blonde lifted his head from the couch. 

"Go on.." He said groggily. 

"Ok so there's a party tonight-" Kurt started but was quickly cut off by Cooper.

"Nope I'm out, I can't handle another party right now" Cooper said looking disgruntled. 

"Listen dude!" Kurt continued, "Ashley and Tara are going to be there!" 

"Like... big tits Ashley?" Cooper said looking a little more perked up. 

"Yes!" Kurt said as a look of excitement spread across his face. "Are you up for it or what?" 

"fucking hell.." Cooper mumbled as he hauled himself upright and stood up off the couch. "Yeah I'm down". He said as he high fived his friend. 

"Just to be clear though I get Ashley" Kurt said as he began to walk away. 

"Umm What?!" Cooper said as he pulled his friend back by the shoulder. "No way bro, I've been jacking off just thinking about her for months! I get her!" 

"Nah bro you snooze you lose, I called dibs" Kurt said confidently. 

"That may have worked in high school but not now dude, I'm not backing down" Cooper said getting in Kurt's face, the toned stud puffing out his chest while he spoke. 

"Come on man are you serious? Why not just fuck Tara?" Kurt asked getting a little annoyed. 

"Fuck that man! a flat ass and B cups aren't worth the headache right now" Cooper said shoving Kurt a little, his raging hormones mixed with his hangover had made him more than a bit testy.

"Fine! I know how we can settle this..." Kurt said as a devilish grin spread across his face. 

"Let's hear it" Cooper said not realizing he would soon be in a world of pain. 

"Let's see who has the balls to really fuck her, whoever does gets her no questions asked" Kurt said as he let his hands fall to his hips. 

"Roshambo?" He asked. 

"Ro sham what?" Cooper said but before he could process what his friend had meant, Kurt's hand was flying straight for his unprotected crotch. 

As Kurt's fist made contact with Coopers unsuspecting balls, they had nowhere to go but up, and soon his plums found themselves being cruelly mashed between his pelvis and Kurt's fist. 

"FUCKKK!" Cooper squealed as the pain in his heavy balls shot through his entire body. 

As Kurt retracted his fist Cooper was sent wobbling backwards but eventually steadied himself, with his legs spread wide to avoid causing any friction to his pained low hangers, Cooper looked rather silly. 

"An little more warning next time?" He huffed as he caught his breath. 

"No way, that takes the fun out of it" Kurt replied. 

Cooper took a deep breath and walked towards Kurt, and without hesitation sent his own fist into the boys undefended nuts. 

Kurt's eyes widened and began to water as Cooper ground his fist into the boys sensitive balls, although he was in an extreme amount of pain he didn't want to squeal. 

Begrudgingly Cooper retracted his fist from Kurt's danglers and was met with a condescending (albeit pained) laugh. 

"Is that all you got?" Kurt coughed out as he grabbed his swelling bulge and massaged it. 

"I've had hand jobs more brutal than that" 

"Fuck you man" Cooper said pouting as begrudgingly he spread his legs in anticipation. 

Much to Coopers dismay Kurt's fist once again struck his friends balls dead on, causing the blonde stud to wince and double over. 

"ughhh fuckkkk" Cooper groaned as the pain in his most sensitive parts radiated through his lower half. 

"Your turn, try a little harder this time.." Kurt said smugly as he widened his stance. 

"Fuck you!" Cooper yelled as he sent a devastating uppercut right into Kurt's spuds. 

"Aughhh fuckkkk" Kurt said as he too doubled over. 

Both boys stood there breathing heavily for a moment trying their best to not topple to the ground both sets of balls now swelling quite a bit. 

"Let's take this up a notch" Kurt said as he took a step back and grinned at his buddy. 


Kurt sent his foot flying into Cooper's crotch at full speed, as his food made contact with the boys manhood a sickening crunch echoed through both of their ears. 

Cooper tried to say something but all that came out of his agape mouth was little squeaks and groans, his big blue eyes began to water as he grabbed Kurt's foot and tried desperately to pull it off his groin. 

"Nuh uh not so easy!" Kurt said digging his foot into Coopers balls. "You really think I'm gonna let you have a go at my nuts after this?" Kurt asked incredulously, "No way! the way I see it is if you have no balls you can't really fuck her now can you?" Kurt said laughing. 

Cooper shook his head wildly as tears began to stream down his pink cheeks. 

"P- please man! don't do this!" Cooper begged as the fiery pain from his balls continued to pulse through his body. 

"Keep begging man, it makes it more fun for me" Kurt laughed as he pushed Cooper down to the ground with his foot. 

As Cooper groaned and writhed on the floor Kurt took advantage of the situation and swiftly pulled Cooper's pants and boxers down around his ankles. 

As the boys pants were pulled down his miraculously erect cock bounced into the open and slapped against his stomach, his low hanging balls followed suit and flopped onto the ground with a loud plap. 

"Wow! I didn't know you were so hung dude!, Now I gotta break those, can't have you stretching all the girls out on campus now can we" Kurt said as he knelt down and scooped up Cooper's pink nuts. 

As he squeezed them in his hand Cooper begged and pleaded which only made Kurt squeeze them harder. 

"Awww do these hurt?" He said squeezing especially hard on the boys left nut. In response to the added pressure on his nuts, Coopers cock began to leak precum. 

"Holy fuck dude are you enjoying this that much?!" He said laughing in Coopers face. 

Cooper tried to shake his head and say no but all he could do was watch in horror as Kurt used both hands to squeeze down on the boys left nut. 

"Fuck man! this things tough!" Kurt said as he bore down on the sensitive ball with all his strength. 

For a moment he thought he wasn't strong enough, "What the hell man do you cum straight iron?" He said breaking a sweat. 

"FUCKKKK" Cooper screamed out as finally his left ball gave in to Kurt's grip. 


All of a sudden the heavy nut meat in Kurt's hand was reduced to mush, and in an instant ropes of cum began to shoot out of Coopers twitching erection. 

"MY BALL!!" Cooper squealed as he trashed against Kurt, the stud was now covered in a layer of sweat and was actively being sprayed by his own jizz.

"Fucking hell!" Kurt exclaimed as he released the remnants of Cooper's left ball. "You cum like a fucking fire hydrant dude!, Good thing you're not fucking Ashley cause she'd get preggo in a fucking instant!" Kurt laughed as his attention fell on Cooper's still intact and now swollen right nut. 

"Now what are we going to do with this one...." Kurt hummed and hawed as Cooper writhed in pain, deciding Cooper wasn't going anywhere quick, Kurt ran to the kitchen and came back with a meat mallet in his hand. 

"Lets tenderize that nut-" He spoke as to his horror Cooper was no longer on the ground where he had left him. 


Cooper's fist made contact with Kurt's head sending the boy falling to the ground, as he landed on his stomach he tried to crawl away but before he could get far Cooper's foot was flying directly between his splayed legs. 


"FUCKKK!" Kurt squealed as his manhood was assaulted. 

"Doesn't feel nice does it?" Cooper spat at him. 

"Come on man! don't do this! I was just joking!" Kurt pleaded.

Cooper increased the weight he was putting on Kurt's crotch as a look of rage spread across his face. 


"N- no wait-" Kurt tried to plea with him to no avail. 

Cooper reached down and pulled Kurt's pants and underwear off too, exposing his bright pink balls and bubble butt. 

Coopers cock twitched slightly at the site of Kurt's tight ass, he decided he'd play with that later, but first he had to finish the job. 

"Please man!" Kurt wailed as he tried his best to crawl away from Cooper, but the blonde was having none of it and soon was sending his foot crashing down onto Kurt's unprotected nuts. 


Coopers foot slipped to the right a little and with nowhere to go but hardwood floor Kurt's right nut burst under the pressure. 

"MY BALL!" Kurt squealed and writhed as under his stomach his cock began to twitch and shoot out ropes of cum. 

Cooper leaned down and got right next to Kurt's ear. 

"Unlike you I'm going to finish the job" He whispered. 

The look on Kurt's face was one of horror as he desperately tried to get away with one ball intact. Cooper wasted no time and was soon sending his foot crashing down on Kurt's remaining ball. 


"NOOOOOO!" Kurt squealed as he felt his manhood be ruined. His cock sputtering out the last of his sperm. 

Cooper laughed as he wrapped his hands around Kurt's waist and pulled him onto his knees. 

"Try to relax, this is the only way you'll be having sex from now on" Cooper whispered as he aligned his raging boner with Kurt's tight virgin hole. 

"Oh god.." Is all Kurt said as he prepared for the worst. 

Cooper spit on his cock and then shoved it in with no remorse, he then began mercilessly fucking Kurt's tight hole, completely disregarding the boys cries and whimpers. 

"Ugh Fuck! I'm gonna cum!" Cooper grunted as he pounded the near unconscious boys hole. 

"fuckkkkk!" he moaned as he unloaded rope after rope of his seed deep inside Kurt, his remaining ball slapping loudly against the boys ass. 

After a few minutes of heavy breathing from both parties, Cooper pulled his softening cock out of the boy, Kurt whimpered and whined as felt the emptiness left behind. 

"Since no girl is going to fuck me with one ball, you're my new fuck toy asshole" Cooper said grabbing the wobbly boy by the hair and bringing him ton his feet. 

"You understand?" He said angrily. 

"y- yes.." Kurt mumbled as he fought to stay standing 

"Good." Cooper said looking down at his ruined ball. He then let go of Kurt and let him fall to the ground. 

"The only reason I'm not beating the shit out of you is because your ass felt a million times better than pussy ever has.." Cooper said to the barely awake boy. "That and now that you don't have balls fucking you won't be gay" He chuckled. 

Cooper proceeded to walk back up to his room, leaving Kurt alone, on the floor and emasculated. 

Tara and Ashely ended up getting drunk at the party and scissoring in the bathroom anyways. 

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Balls On The Line Part 4

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